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    Our Articles

    Testosterone- its more than just a sex hormone
    Testosterone- its more than just a sex hormone
    What is the first thing you think about when you read the word testosterone? I’m guessing temperature regulation and mood stabilization weren’t in your top 5 descriptive choices. However, those are but two of the many functions outside of libido in which testosterone plays a major role. Muscle tone, energy levels, hair growth, etc…Was brain...
    Testosterone- More than Sex
    Testosterone- More than Sex
    Testosterone = Sex, right? So does that mean more of one equals more of the other? It is common knowledge that men need adequate testosterone levels to have satisfying sexual encounters. Women need testosterone for much the same reason. Yes, women need testosterone as well. Just not as much as we men. ‍ What you...
    Top 4 Reasons Why Men Have Erectile Dysfunction (ED)
    Top 4 Reasons Why Men Have Erectile Dysfunction (ED)
    There are multiple reasons why we guys suffer from ED at some point in our lives whether it is a temporary thing or something we have to treat and has lifelong implications. Here is a short list of the most common causes of ED. Hormones– There are 4 major hormones in the body that get...
    Resolutions vs. Decisions and the swiftly approaching New Year
    Resolutions vs. Decisions and the swiftly approaching New Year
    The New Year of 2022 is fast approaching. We’ve all been under this pandemic thing for nearly 2 years. Seems like just yesterday we were all just going about our daily lives and then BAM! here comes this crazy virus that has affected every single one of our lives in one form or another. Since...
    Benefits of Optimal Testosterone Levels
    Benefits of Optimal Testosterone Levels
    Lots of guys have gone to their primary care provider and wanted to know why they were so tired and uninterested in things that used to get them excited. So, they get their total testosterone checked (along with other blood tests) and are told that they are normal. Let’s pick a number, 350. Normal….maybe for...